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June 14, 2017
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July 21, 2017Ever wondered how much business you could be missing out on by not answering your phone or letting it go to voicemail? It can be hard to quantify but here’s some sobering statistics:
The average cost of a single missed call is a staggering £1200, according to a BT Business report. It found that, in the UK alone, SMEs are losing out on £90 million due to missed calls from potential or existing customers looking to make a purchase.
Worryingly, the report also reveals that 85% of callers who can’t reach a company on the first try will not call back and 75% won’t even leave a voicemail. Aside from lost revenue, when calls go unanswered your brand loses credibility.
If that isn’t bad enough, a customer is likely to call a competitor next on the list immediately after putting the phone down. Just think of all that time and money you’ve spent on marketing to drive potential customers to call you - wasted in a flash!
More companies are waking up to the reality that customers simply expect a business to answer their call. Unanswered calls essentially equal bad customer service.
In fact, some large companies - including JPMorgan Chase and Coca-Cola - are even getting rid of voicemail altogether.
A great customer experience is vital for any size of business and professional call handling services, such as those from Halcyon Offices, offer small businesses an affordable solution.
Offering Virtual Office solutions and telephony services - specifically, a service called ‘Halcyon Connect’ gives you benefit from having your own handsets with multiple features just as if you had your own Switchboard and not only that it includes professional call answering by UK-based staff.
Available for all Halcyon Virtual Office and Serviced Office customers, a receptionist answers your calls promptly with the name of your company and forwards calls in person or takes messages on your behalf - maintaining the professional front end you require for your business, without the big outlay.
Worryingly, the report also reveals that 85% of callers who can’t reach a company on the first try will not call back and 75% won’t even leave a voicemail. Aside from lost revenue, when calls go unanswered your brand loses credibility.
If that isn’t bad enough, a customer is likely to call a competitor next on the list immediately after putting the phone down. Just think of all that time and money you’ve spent on marketing to drive potential customers to call you - wasted in a flash!
More companies are waking up to the reality that customers simply expect a business to answer their call. Unanswered calls essentially equal bad customer service.
In fact, some large companies - including JPMorgan Chase and Coca-Cola - are even getting rid of voicemail altogether.
A great customer experience is vital for any size of business and professional call handling services, such as those from Halcyon Offices, offer small businesses an affordable solution.
Offering Virtual Office solutions and telephony services - specifically, a service called ‘Halcyon Connect’ gives you benefit from having your own handsets with multiple features just as if you had your own Switchboard and not only that it includes professional call answering by UK-based staff.
Available for all Halcyon Virtual Office and Serviced Office customers, a receptionist answers your calls promptly with the name of your company and forwards calls in person or takes messages on your behalf - maintaining the professional front end you require for your business, without the big outlay.