The issue of staff boredom is serious. But how does a company leader recognise the signs and what can they do about it. Providing staff with remote or flexible working is just one of the many ways to alleviate this problem.
If you had the chance would you swap a relaxing family holiday and instead volunteer your time to do something that would impact the lives of others and give back to those in need. James Sheppard, Co Founder of Halcyon did just that, read about his amazing holiday that made a difference in Africa.
As a small business have you considered the benefits of forming partnerships with other small businesses. Take a leaf out of the big business play book by joining your business with other brands to grow your market share and get your brand in front of more customers.
Spending more time in the selection process will minimize the risk of hiring the wrong person. Once they're hired treat them well, they are now an extremely valuable asset to your business. Here is a list of 14 ways to help get you started and to keep you on the right track.